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blink(int led, [int onTime, int offTime])

This function can set a led to blink at a regular interval.

Select a led with 0 for the first led, 1 for the middle led and 2 for the last led.

If you only enter the first argument led the blink time will be set to 100ms on, 100ms off.

If you enter the second argument onTime, then on and off time will be equal. For example, blink(0, 500) will turn the first led on for 500ms and then off for 500ms, creating a 1 second cycle.

If you also enter the third argument offTime, then you can set a sequence like blink(0, 500, 100) which will set the blinking to 500ms on and 100ms off.

Example usage:

void loop() {
// if the button has been pressed
if (tlob.buttonPressed()){
// blink led 1 (middle led), 500ms on and 100ms off
tlob.blink(1, 500, 100);
// if the button is held down for 1 second
if (tlob.buttonHold > 1000) {
// stop blinking led 1
// update the button and the blinking

For this function to work properly, make sure you call update() or updateLeds() once every loop.

To stop a led from blinking, use stop().

When the blink starts, the leds will always start in the on phase. Therefore, calling blink() repeatedly will make the led appear to be on, not blinking.

Therefore this example will NOT make the led blink:

void loop() {

But this example will work as the setup is only called once:

void setup(){
void loop() {